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Hi, I am Groni

Pisi Linux Team Member

Help us

Work together with me and the rest of the Team on Pisi Linux

Pisi Linux is a fork of the (PiSi-based) Pardus operating system and its unique technologies. Comar, Pisi, and Yali. But Pisi Linux has more Technologies as Mudur (Designed to speed up the boot process), Kaptan (is a ‘desktop greeter’) and Panda (A video driver management tool, developed in-house by the Anka-Team) .

Work on Pisi Linux

Translations 70%
Package Building 65%
Design 45%

Support to Pisi Linux

You will help us?

Pisi Linux is always looking for people to help the work on Pisi Linux is a pure leisure work. We all like the work very much with other people, and to help other.We the Pisi Team have different work to offer, which could arouse your interest.As Example build Packages, Wiki work, Translation, Artworking and much more. You can see the work on the Pisi Linux Project is never boring, she is very varied and diverse and make fun too. As Example build Packages, Wiki work, Translation, Artworking and much more. You feel attracted now and say that is exactly the right for me, then read on how you can get in contact with us

What must i doing to help you?

  • For the first step go to the slack chat from Pisi Linux Pisi Chat on Slack .
  • A please to all helpers write an E-Mail with an Introducing of yourself and send it to admin@pisilinux.org so know we who will help us.
  • You need for the work with Pisi Linux a GitHub account, you can create an account on GitHub it is free.
  • As last step can you read here GitHub Setup how you must setup the GitHub for the work.
  • We would very happy to see you soon as a new Member of the Pisi Linux Team, all Helpers are very Welcome in the Team





Website Development

Stefan Gronewold (groni)

Short overview to give Support to Pisi Linux